Many Arnold constituents have written to me about Highcroft Surgery and shared their concerns online. Following these reports, I have today had a meeting with Highcroft Surgery’s GP Partners and Gedling Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board representative Cllr Henry Wheeler.
We are pleased Highcroft Surgery have been taking the following steps to address patient concerns:
Reviewed the prescription management process and employed additional staff to handle prescriptions. You can request a repeat prescription up to 10 working days’ in advance online here:
Introducing a new phone system in the next few weeks that will help prevent calls from dropping out of the queue
The Partners did emphasise that despite what might have been listed on Google search results, the surgery has never been closed. They are now offering both face-to-face and telephone appointments
Highcroft Surgery now offers eConsult which is a 24/7 online service allowing patients to contact their GP for help and advice. Patients can access eConsult here:
We will continue to monitor feedback at the surgery closely and will be joining the Patient Participation Group as observers to better understand the patient experience. Gedling Borough Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board representative Cllr Henry Wheeler and I will both be meeting regularly with the Highcroft’s Practice Manager going forward.